Expand description


Pending browse request

Optional data when browsing for a service; either use its default value or customize it like:

Browse result


Connection to register records with

Pending domain enumeration

Domain enumeration result

Full name consiting of (up to) three parts

Network interface index

Pending query

Optional data when querying for a record; either use its default value or customize it like:

Flags used to query for a record

Query result

A successful record registration

Pending registration

Optional data when registering a service; either use its default value or customize it like:

Flags used to register service

Pending record registration

Optional data when registering a record; either use its default value or customize it like:

Flags used to register a record

Service registration result

Successful registration

Pending resolve request

Pending resolve

Optional data when querying for a record; either use its default value or customize it like:

Resolve host result

Resolve result

Add a timeout to a stream; each time an item is received the timer is reset

Key-Value container that uses DNS TXT RDATA as representation

Iterator for entries in TxtRecord



Whether to enumerate domains which are browsed or domains for which registrations can be made.

API Error

Network interface

IP address with port and “scope id” (even for IPv4)

Error returned when inserting new entries failed


Maximum length of full name including trailing dot and terminating NULL


Stream extension to simplify building TimeoutStream


Browse for available services

Browse for available services

Create Connection to register records with

Enumerate domains that are recommended for registration or browsing

Query for an arbitrary DNS record

Query for an arbitrary DNS record

Purge record from cache

Register a service

Register a service

Find hostname and port (and more) for a service

Resolves hostname (with passed port) to stream of ScopedSocketAddr.